Contact Us

We welcome your questions, but please first carefully read our site for answers as we receive many emails. You can reach us by phone, Skype or email.


Phone or Skype Us

Calls must be scheduled. We can make ourselves available at varied times in the timezones GMT+10, GMT -8 and GMT +2 depending on available staff. You can convert to your local time at

Let us what time you would like to call (in your local time), and your nearest major city. Then we'll confirm whether or not we're available.

Skype: rouletteanalysis (For scheduled calls only. Please don't send offline messages)

Ph. +61 3 9018 5395 (Call times must be scheduled)


Email Us

Email us using the below form. Normally you'll receive a response within 48hrs but it depends on staff availability. Please ask clear and specific questions so we can respond with clear and specific answers.

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