Read This Carefully!
Your payment has been received. Please carefully read the following:
- Normally you'll receive the trial instructions and access within 24hrs on a weekday. We do not work on weekends. If it takes us a bit longer for any reason, don't panic. We'll give you a few extra days access at no charge.
- The instructions will be sent to your PayPal email address.
- Immediately add "" to your email whitelist. This ensures the email we send you is not incorrectly filtered as spam.
- If you don't receive the instructions within 2 weekdays (mon-fri), it could be because your email service provider rejected our email. This can happen because of the gambling related keywords. Even major email providers such as Hotmail and Yahoo have over-sensitive mail filters and often reject email without even notifying you. We find Gmail to be most reliable.
- If there are any problems, contact us to resolve the issues. We are honest people and carefully explain everything so there are no misunderstandings. But often people don't properly read our site. Please very carefully read our website and emails to ensure there are no misunderstandings.
Got Questions?
Skype: rouletteanalysis
Ph. +61 3 9018 5395
We can make ourselves available on most weekdays 9:30am - 4pm. Our local time is GMT+10 (Melbourne, Australia). Convert to your local time at Let us know what time during the above hours you would like to call (Skype is best). Then we'll confirm whether or we'll be available.